Everyday at 20:45 pm. on chanel Arte we can watch this. It's a program which shows ironically the life of personalities. I don't know why, but it's designed for people from 7-77 years old.
The principle: it presents original, irony and absurdity of personalities life in shorter time that it takes to boil an egg.
Forme: a white background, toys, everyday objects, a voicover and a good dose of imagination - these are only ingredients used by Nicolas Rendu, aka Udner for making those funny portraits. With a child's soul, the director mastered the art of stop motion, giving life, frame by frame, to everything that happens in his hands (or so). These tablets bring some freshness by focusing primarily on the story of the great of this world.
The program is recorded in two languages: French and German. I think it's a great opportunity to practise your comprehension and you have a lot of fun with it! I really recommend it!
Here are some of videos: