Saturday, 14 November 2015

Massacre in Paris

It's hard and painful to talk about it, but there was another attack in France. It's second attack in this year.
President François Hollande on Saturday blamed the Islamic State for the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday, as the death toll rose to 127 victims, with 300 others hospitalized, 80 of them in critical condition. He declared three days of national mourning, and said that military troops would patrol the capital. France remained under a nationwide state of emergency. ISIS, the islamic group, confess to be an initiatior of those attacks.
The identities of the eight attackers, who are all dead, are unknown.
The attacks, and the possibility that the Islamic State was to blame, promised to further traumatize France and other European countries already fearful of violent jihadists radicalized by the conflicts in Syria and elsewhere.
Recently the president Hollande actively stepped up French participation in the military air campaign in Syria at the end of September. Just last week, France attacked oil operations under the Islamic State’s control in Syria. Massacre in Paris is said to be an answer for those actions of France against The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).

Paris, stricken by shock and grief, remained in a state of lockdown, with public transportation hobbled and public institutions — schools, museums, libraries, pools, food markets — closed. Charles de Gaulle Airport remained open, but with significant delays because of tighter passport and baggage checks.
President Hollande sais, France will be still fighting and will avenge all victims.

Places where attacks have happened:


1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure about vengeance - it's never a good for making peace - but I do want this terror to end. Soon.
